Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have had a bit of free time to play lately!!! Here are a few samples of some textured photographs that I have create. These are done by adding a few different texture layers to the original photograph and then playing around with it in Photoshop! 

I popped into my local op shop today where I found a set of 4 beautiful cushion covers!! 3 of them will remain as cushion covers and are sitting nicely on my couch! and I have cut 1 up into pieces and covered some buttons for hair accessories.....the fabric was quite slippery so i have only done a few!! My patience level is so very low right now!

I have also bought a few AMAZING & BEAUTIFUL brooches...there are only 2 or 3 of each so if you are interested in purchasing please email me. I love the leather and chain flower the best!

I am gearing up for the markets this weekend! Just the local again!! (Berowra Uniting Church, Alan Road, Berowra) Its on Easter Saturday so probably likely to rain! I am ever hopeful though and am keeping fingers and toes crossed! but for now enjoying a teeny bit of down time!! x


  1. Lovely photos, love the different techiniques, fantastic!! Love Posie

  2. The photography textures are fantastic - they really give something extra to the photos. Hope the markets went well!
